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Postdoctoral Position in Machine Learning for Co ... (No replies)
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Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in computational chemistry
through the Professional Research and Education Program (PREP) at the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) In Gaithersburg, MD.
The individual selected will work jointly with NIST staff in the Information
Technology Laboratory and the Material Measurement Laboratory, as well as
with Professor Roman Krems in the Department of Chemistry at the University
of British Columbia on methods for improving our understanding of the
quantum interaction of atoms and molecules using machine learning (ML). The
exact problems to be studied will be developed jointly by the group and the
candidate. An Important aspect will be to develop a better fundamental
understanding of why ML algorithms actually work in this domain and how
these algorithms can be used to reduce the dimensionality of the relevant
Hilbert spaces in an automated and reliable way.
Funding is currently available for a year, renewable for a second year, subject
to funding availability, satisfactory performance by the candidate and mutual
agreement by all of the researchers.
While the start date is somewhat flexible, it is our hope that the new
postdoctoral associate will be on board by January 2019.
Interested individuals should contact Dr Barry Schneider ([email protected]) for
additional details. Applications should be emailed as a single pdf files to
[email protected] and must include a brief letter of interest describing the
candidates background and interests, a CV and contact information for no
more than three references.