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Postdoctoral position in Generalized Implicit So ... (No replies)
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The Chemical Theory and Modelling team ( of the Institute of Chemistry for Life and Health Sciences (i-CLeHS) at Chimie ParisTech (Paris, France) has a postdoctoral position opening, funded by a CNRS Emergence@INC2020 grant.
The postdoctoral researcher will work in software development and validation within the “Generalized Implicit Solvation” project, on developing, applying and validating the finite-difference implicit solvation model in the CRYSTAL code ( for both finite and infinite periodic systems. Areas of focus include analytic nuclear gradients, electrolyte solutions, as well as algorithms for solving the Poisson and Poisson-Boltzmann equations.
The postdoctoral position is opening for one year, with a mandatory start date before march 1st 2020. The gross salary will be between 31000 and 43000 euros depending on candidate past experience.
Applicants should have experience in some of the following:
A PhD in theoretical chemistry, materials science or a related field is required, with good communication and analytical skills. Ability to work independently and in a collaborative environment is required. Previous software programming experience would be appreciated.
Interested candidates should apply by emailing the following to Dr. Frédéric Labat ([email protected]):