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Postdoctoral position in excited-state electroni ... (No replies)

7 years ago
dstrubbe 7 years ago

The University of California, Merced is a dynamic new university campus in Merced, California, which opened in September 2005 as the tenth campus of the University of California and the first American research university in the 21st century.

The Strubbe group is recruiting a postdoc to work on methods and applications of excited-state electronic structure in materials. We are in the physics department and also affiliated with the chemistry graduate group and NASA-funded MACES center. Motivated primarily by photovoltaic applications, we are using TDDFT, density-functional perturbation theory, GW and the Bethe-Salpeter equation to study optical and electronic properties, with a particular focus on excited-state forces, light-induced degradation processes, and Raman spectroscopy. Projects span the range from method development and implementation in code to applications to materials such as amorphous silicon and organic semiconductors. Our group is involved in development on the Octopus and BerkeleyGW codes. We collaborate extensively with other experimental and theoretical groups, on campus and at nearby institutions such as UC Berkeley, UC Davis, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

Applicants should have a PhD, completed or imminent, in physics, chemistry, materials science, or in a related field and specializing in electronic structure, and have skills in high-performance computing and programming. Experience with TDDFT and GW/BSE, and knowledge of both molecular and solid-state phenomena, are desirable.

Review of applications will begin on 10/05/2017. The position will remain open until filled. The final review of applications for this position is 11/5/17.

Interested applicants are required to submit 1) a cover letter 2) curriculum vitae 3) a list of 2 references with contact information.

For more information, see, and please contact Professor David Strubbe at [email protected].

For full ad and to apply, go to

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials