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Postdoctoral position in DFT simulations of mode ... (No replies)
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A postdoctoral position in the field of DFT simulations of catalytic processes in electrochemistry is available in the theory group of the Institute of Materials – National Research Council (CNR-IOM) in Trieste (Italy), under the supervision of Dr. Stefano Fabris and Dr. Simone Piccinin.
The project aims at using DFT simulations to investigate the structural, electronic and catalytic properties of metal nanoparticles of well-defined dimensions deposited on crystalline reducible oxides. These systems are used as model catalysts to gain fundamental understanding of the processes taking place in electrochemical applications. The project will be conducted in close collaboration with a leading experimental group in the field.
The position is available for two years, starting in early 2019. The requirements for this position include:
To apply for this position, please send an email addressed to both [email protected] and [email protected] that includes:
The deadline to apply for the position is November 18, 2018.