Job announcements relevant to people interested in electronic structure calculations…
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Postdoctoral Position in DFT Modelling of Electr ... (No replies)
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There is an immediate opening for a postdoctoral fellowship position in the laboratory of Tore Brinck at the Department of Chemistry, KTH Royal Institute, Stockholm, Sweden. The research involves electronic structure calculations of catalysts for electrochemical reactions. Catalytic systems will include crystalline materials, thin films, nanoparticles and single atom catalysts. Characterization of catalysts will involve mechanistic studies as well as the use of DFT based local descriptors that are being developed in the group. The computational work will be conducted in collaboration with experimental research on materials for energy applications at the department.
The ideal candidate is expected to have a PhD in computational chemistry/physics/material science or related areas. He/she should have experience of modeling chemical processes and materials using periodic DFT. Experience and interest in coding and software development is meriting.
The appointment is initially for one year, but can be extended to a second year after evaluation.
Candidates should send CV with list of publications, summary of research interest, and list of two references to Tore Brinck.
Professor Tore Brinck
Applied Physical Chemistry
Department of Chemistry, CBH
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Stockholm, Sweden
email: [email protected]