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Postdoctoral Position in Condensed Matter Theory ... (No replies)
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The reactor physics division in the department of physics of KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden is offering a two-year postdoc position in the field of condensed matter theory. The research is funded by the EUROfusion Enabling Research project CHEDDAR and will be carried out at KTH in collaboration with the University of Lille, France and with DEMOKRITOS in Athens, Greece.
For the CHEDDAR project as a whole, three senior researchers are involved in three countries and laboratories, and four postdocs will be employed, whereof one at KTH, making this a dedicated collaborative project with strong support from the EUROfusion community.
The goal of the CHEDDAR project is to improve the analytical power and resolution of the electrical resistivity experimental characterization technique for studies of defects and defect-solute interactions in metals and alloys. The postdoc position at KTH is focused on electronic structure and transport theory. The main goal of the KTH postdoc project is to develop a reliable method to calculate the electrical resistivity of defects in metals. This will be done at different levels of sophistication in order to ensure advancement, starting with a coupling of state-of-the-art density functional theory simulations with Boltzmann transport theory and will also include electron-phonon coupling calculations. There is a very strong collaborative aspect within CHEDDAR with kinetic Monte Carlo modelling being done at U. Lille and with dedicated experiments performed in Athens.
A PhD degree in physics, quantum chemistry or materials science is a requirement. We seek a candidate with a strong background in condensed matter theory. Of extra merit will be experience in transport theory, modeling of defects and code development. The successful applicant should be strongly motivated, have the capability to work independently as well as in collaboration with members of the research group and internationally in the consortium, and have good communication skills.
More information and application link:
Deadline for application: 20/1 2017
Contact information:
Pär Olsson, [email protected], Head of Reactor Physics, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden