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Postdoctoral Position in Condensed Matter Theor ... (No replies)
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Postdoctoral Position in Condensed Matter Theory at RBI, Zagreb, Croatia
The Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics Group at Theoretical Physics Division, Rudjer Boskovic Institute is inviting applications for a postdoctoral position, starting immediately and for the duration of 1 year with possible extension.
Project description
The position is associated with the Horizon 2020 FETOPEN project Reservoir Computing with Real-time Data for future IT. The project, which includes partners from 8 EU countries, focuses on the development of a novel concept of using the reservoir computing for ion sensing purposes.
The theoretical work will deal with the development of models for sensing reservoir dynamics of various sensor components (memristors, organic transistors and silicon nanowires) and development of necessary simulation tools to investigate the information processing capabilities of the device. Both ab-initio (DFT) and semi-empirical approaches will be used to address the complex ionic dynamics.
The applicant should have a Ph.D. in theoretical condensed matter physics, material science or chemistry. Experience with the electronic structure and transport calculations based on density functional theory and the molecular dynamics simulations is an advantage.
The gross salary is 32.000 EUR per annum. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.
How to Apply: Interested applicants should send the following: curriculum vitae with publication and presentation details and contact details of 2 references, via e-mail to [email protected].