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Postdoctoral position in computational study of ... (No replies)

8 years ago
mcrighi 8 years ago

A one-year postdoctoral position with possible extension to another year is available at the Physics Department of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.

The successful candidate will perform computational research on materials to reduce friction, with the aim of i) designing solid interfaces with low adhesion and shear strength ii) understanding tribochemistry mechanisms in solid and boundary lubrication.

The adopted approaches include density functional theory calculations and ab initio molecular dynamics (MD) eventually combined with classical MD in hybrid, multi-scale schemes.

A fundamental understanding of the effects of mechanical forces on the kinetics of chemical reactions is a further scope of the project. To this aim we will apply a Green’s function MD approach in collaboration with the industry Toyota Central R&D Labs.

 Expertise in any of the following areas is highly desirable:

- Density functional theory modeling of materials, especially in the areas of surfaces/interfaces and molecule-surface interaction.

- Molecular dynamics.

- High-performance computing.

Applications including CV and the addresses of at least two references should be sent to: M. Clelia Righi [email protected]

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials