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Postdoctoral Position in Computational Materials ... (No replies)
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Position: Postdoctoral Researcher
The Computational Materials Physics group, led by Georg Kresse, at the University of Vienna, is pleased to announce exceptional research opportunities in collaboration with the "Cluster of Excellence: Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage". This prestigious cluster aims to address the global crisis caused by the combustion of carbohydrates through advancements in materials science. Our group plays a pivotal role in Pillar C of the cluster, where we focus on state-of-the-art developments and applications in machine-learned force fields, time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT), and machine learning of self-consistent charge densities. These cutting-edge techniques are already partly integrated into VASP (Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package), the leading computational materials science software for condensed matter first-principles calculations, and we plan to extend these capabilities.
The main research area of the announced position is related to Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory (TDDFT). The Postdoctoral Researcher is expected to contribute to the implementation of interatomic forces in the excited state using TDDFT. Expertise in areas related to correlated wavefunction methods (such as coupled cluster or diagrammatic perturbation theory), possibly machine-learned force fields, or the field of electrochemistry is also welcome.
Collaboration and Support:
The selected candidate will have the opportunity to work closely with two PhD’s and one PostDoc. In addition, all implementation work will be carried out in close collaboration with the VASP team, as well as all experts within the "Cluster of Excellence: Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage."
We welcome applications from enthusiastic individuals with a PhD in physics, chemistry, materials science, or related disciplines. Prior programming expertise in electronic structure codes, ideally using high-performance computing, is a requirement. Candidates should have a strong interest in pursuing innovative research at the intersection of computational and experimental materials physics.
Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications by April 22nd, including a (i) detailed curriculum vitae, (ii) lists of publications and talks including one or two reprints representative of previous research, (iii) a brief one-to-two-page statement of research interests, and (iv) at least two letters of reference. Please send your application by email to Christine Schrempf .
Join the vibrant and dynamic Computational Materials Physics group at the University of Vienna and contribute to our research within the "Cluster of Excellence: Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage". Together, we can tackle the global crisis caused by carbohydrate combustion through innovative materials science.
For further information about our research group at the University of Vienna and the Cluster of Excellence, please visit and
Georg Kresse
Computational Materials Physics Group, Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna