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Postdoctoral position for Li battery study avail ... (No replies)
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Postdoctoral position for battery study at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
A postdoctoral research position is available at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory at Berkeley, California, USA. This is a position to use ab initio calculations to study the Lithium Sulfur battery systems, especially for its thermodynamic properties and reaction pathways at the battery cathodes and in the electrolytes. Experience in battery systems, or related electrochemistry problems are highly appreciated. Some methodology developments are also expected. The calculations might include atomic structure search, free energy estimations, solvent effects, transition state barrier height, and meta-dynamics simulations. This is a one year position with the possibility of extending to three years. The hired postdoc. will work in the group of Dr. Lin-Wang Wang ( . The details of the position can be found at: To apply, please send the CV and 2-3 recommendation letters to this website, or send directly to [email protected]. The position will remain open until it is filled.