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Postdoctoral position: coarse grain molecular dy ... (No replies)

Alejandro A. Franco
8 years ago

We are seeking young and talented researchers for a 1-year postdoctoral position on computational electrochemistry in field of lithium ion batteries at Laboratoire de Réactivité et Chimie des Solides - LRCS - (UMR CNRS/Université de Picardie Jules Verne 7314) in Amiens, France, starting as soon as possiblen ideally in next January or early February 2017. 

The researcher will use the coarse grain molecular dynamics technique within simulation packages such as LAMMPS and GROMACS. 

The work will be carried out in strong connection with ongoing experimental activities. 

 Call for applications will close by December 16, 2016.

Candidate profile: european nationality, physics, physical chemistry, computational modeling, molecular dynamics. Excellent track record of publications,  team spirit.  Interested candidates please send your CV + 1 motivation letter, including contact details of 3 referees, to [email protected] (  Generic motivation letters will not be responded (please be specific to this offer in your letter).


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials