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Postdoctoral position available now at Universit ... (No replies)
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Postdoctoral position available now at University of Colorado, Boulder, with Prof. Alex Zunger’s Matter by Design group.
A new postdoctoral position is available immediately in the Matter-by-Design group of Prof. Zunger at the CU Boulder Renewable and Sustainable Energy Institute.
We are a highly productive and highly cited Condensed Matter Theory group located in the sunny Rocky Mountains. A website of our interests, publications, past group members and images of the City of Boulder can be found at:
Successful candidates will have a strong background in fundamental physics, electronic structure theory, and modern computational approaches to solids. The position will involve theoretical and computational identification of new solids and superstructures, with target physical properties (“Inverse Design”). Properties of interest include:
Doping Quantum materials,
Synthesis by design,
Oxide and halide perovskites,
Hidden Spin- Polarization, and
Topological functionalities.
To apply, please send a CV describing past/current research, publications, and NAMES of 2-3 references to [email protected]. After preliminary screening, you will be notified if letters of reference need to be sent to Prof. Zunger.