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Postdoctoral Position Available at Institute of ... (1 reply)
Dear Professor,
Herewith I would like to submit my applications for the Post-Doctor position in your research group. My research interest covers the investigation of designing efficient, stable, and non-toxic perovskite solar cells (PSCs) by using state-of-the-art density functional theory (DFT) calculations and I published 15 papers including 2 papers in Journal of materials Chemistry A (Impact factor > 9.9), 3 papers in Physical review B as the first author.
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Two postdoctoral positions on the computational mineral physics and theoretical geochemistry is available immediately at Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGCAS), at Guiyang, China.
The postdoctoral researchers are expected to join the ongoing projects or their own interests of calculations on Planetary Sciences, Mineral and Rock Physics, Study of the Earth's Interior, materials under extreme conditions and Geochemistry. They will work in a dynamic team of staff scientists at IGCAS and have the opportunity for collaborations with various local experimental and computational groups.
IGCAS consists of 324 regular staff members including two CAS Academicians. There are four research divisions in IGCAS: State Key Laboratory of Ore Deposit Geochemistry, State Key Laboratory of Environmental Geochemistry, Laboratory for High Temperature and High Pressure Study of the Earth's Interior, and Lunar and Planetary Science Research Center.
Guiyang is the capital of Guizhou province of Southwest China. A city with humid subtropical climate, Guiyang is surrounded by mountains and forest. The moderate temperature together with other factors including air quality, wind speed, etc. made Guiyang to be ranked No.2 in the "Top 10 Summer Capitals of China”. Recently, it has seen targeted investments into big data and quickly emerged as a local innovation hub.
• Ph.D. in Chemistry, Physics, Earth Sciences or related fields
• Training in computational chemistry/physics such as ab initio electronic structure approaches and/or molecular dynamics.
• Programming skills and experience with modern high-performance computation platforms are desirable.
Applicants should send their CV including their publication list as well as a research interest statement to [email protected]
Review of applications will begin immediately until the position is filled. The successful candidate will be offered a competitive package, commensurate with qualifications and experience.