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Postdoctoral position at the Institute of Physic ... (No replies)

5 years ago
andres.botello 5 years ago

A postdoctoral position is open at the Institute of Physics of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. We are looking for candidates interested in working on theoretical modelling of two-dimensional materials. The ideal candidate will have a PhD in Physics, Materials Science, Nanotechnology, Chemistry or Electrical Engineering, and a proven expertise in the modelling of electronic, vibrational and optical properties of materials using density-functional theory-based methods, as well as a deep knowledge of scientific programming, as demonstrated by publications in major international journals and presentations in major conferences. Knowledge of DFT methods is mandatory, experience of beyond-DFT methods (GW, BSE) is desirable.

In addition, the candidate should have strong commitment, attention to detail, demonstrated ability to work with deadlines, manage conflicting priorities, excellent communication skills, ability to work with highly qualified professionals with international backgrounds.

Starting date: As soon as possible

If you are interested and/or have any questions about this vacancy please contact Porf. Cecilia Noguez and Andrés Botello at [email protected], [email protected]. Applicants should attach a cover letter, and a full CV.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials