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Postdoctoral position at Shenzhen University and ... (No replies)

7 years ago
gmadsen 7 years ago

Postdoctoral position at Shenzhen University and TU Wien: "Optimization of transport properties of complex semiconductors by machine learning"

The Institute of Materials Chemistry (TU Wien, Austria) jointly with the Institute for Advanced Study (Shenzhen University, China) wish to appoint an individual to work in the groups of Prof. Georg Madsen and Prof. Wu Li. The successful candidate will combine electronic structure calculations with machine learning methods to design task-specific semiconductor structures with tailored electric and thermal transport properties.

The contract will have a duration of three years, with the first part of this period spent in Vienna and the second in Shenzhen.

Candidates are required to hold a PhD in Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science or a related discipline. We expect good communication skills in English, basic programming knowledge, familiarity with atomistic simulation methods and an ability to think creatively. Previous experience with machine learning methods or calculation of transport properties is an advantage.

We offer a competitive salary (the salary in Shenzhen is comparable to Vienna) and an attractive housing support in Shenzhen

Questions and further information about the project and the group can be obtained from [email protected] and [email protected] and by consulting the homepages:

Qualified candidates should submit their Curriculum Vitae ​including the names, affiliations and email addresses of up to three references to [email protected]. The position is open until a suitable candidate is found. Please e-mail only plain text or pdf-files and use the email subject BMOP43.

The position is partly funded by the collaborative Horizon 2020 project ALMA ( for all-scale predictive design of heat management material structures.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials