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Postdoctoral position at LCPQ, Toulouse, (South ... (No replies)

10 months ago
martins 10 months ago
We are looking for applications for a postdoctoral position starting Fall 2024 (or beginning of 2025) from outstanding young scientists of any nationality with a strong research record.
Subject : "Metal-insulator transitions in correlated systems with disorder"
Description of the project :
Any sample of a material contains impurities, vacancies, and other imperfections and most interesting phenomena in strongly correlated materials, e.g., superconductivity, various metal-insulator transitions, magnetoresistance or large thermo-electric effects, arise under chemical doping which, besides charge carriers, also introduces disorder.
In this project, the successul candidate will devise and implement new methodologies to account for effects of disorder in strongly correlated materials by developing a new approach that combines Dynamical Mean-Field Theory (DMFT)-based many-body technique with statistical methods, like the forward approximation (FA). The candidate will first investigate the metal-insulator phase-diagram of this Anderson-Hubbard model on a finite Cayley tree and then on several lattices in dimension d=2 and 3. Ultimately, this new approach may be applied to first-principles Hamiltonians in order to perform realistic calculations for correlated materials with disorder.
More details can be found in the enclosed document.
Laboratory : Laboratoire de Chimie et Physique Quantiques (LCPQ), Université Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France
Expected starting date : Fall 2024 (or possibly beginning 2025)
Profile and skills required :
- A PhD in physics (theoretical physics or condensed matter physics).
- A good background in many-body quantum physics (Green’s function formalism, DMFT) or in statistical physics (Anderson localization).
- Skills in at least one programming language among Fortran, Python and or C/C++ ; some experience of working in a UNIX/Linux environment and of using supercomputers would be appreciated.
- Excellent communication skills in English.
Funding : This project is supported by the National Research Agency (ANR) (ANR-22-CE91-0002-01)
How to apply : Applications should be submitted to Cyril MARTINS ([email protected]). They must include a curriculum vitae (including names of potential referees), a list of publication and a short statement of you research interest and how they relate to the project.
Best regards,

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials