Job announcements relevant to people interested in electronic structure calculations…
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Postdoctoral position at Lawrence Livermore Nati ... (No replies)
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A postdoctoral position is available immediately in the Quantum Simulations Group at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), led by Dr. Vince Lordi (
The successful candidate will work with Drs. Alfredo Correa, Xavier Andrade and Aurora Pribram-Jones on the development and application of first‐principles non‐adiabatic electron dynamics.
We are seeking a motivated and qualified individual who has deep knowledge in the area of first‐principles simulations, electronic structure theory, and/or an interest in methods development and massive parallel computing.
The focus of this research project will be to address outstanding problems in the theoretical description and simulation of electronic systems under strong thermodynamic forces and flows, such as those induced by strong electric potentials and thermal gradients.
Postdoctoral candidates should have earned a Ph.D. in Physics, Chemistry, or related disciplines. Experience with electronic structure and first‐principles molecular dynamics calculations is highly desirable and programming experience is a must, with preference given to those knowledgeable in MPI and Fortran or C/C++.
Interested candidates should send their curriculum vitae and a list of
references to Dr. Alfredo Correa ([email protected]).