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Postdoctoral position at Kings College London (No replies)

6 years ago
e.v.kozik 6 years ago

Applications are invited for a Research Assistant/Associate position in the group of Dr Evgeny Kozik at Physics Department, King’s College London. 

The research project is a part of the Simons Collaboration on the Many Electron Problem with the general goal of achieving accurate and controlled description of correlated electron systems. The project is aimed at extending the GW method for the Electronic Structure by incorporating higher order terms in the perturbative expansion using the diagrammatic Monte Carlo technique. A successful candidate will have a strong expertise in development and application of ab initio methods for electronic structure calculations, experience with advanced approaches to correlated systems, (e.g. GW methods, dynamical mean field theory, quantum Monte Carlo) and excellent programming skills.

This post will be offered on a fixed-term contract for 24 months and is available immediately.

Application closing date: 05 March 2019

Start date: available immediately

Salary details: Grade 6, £37,412 to £44,015 per annum

Contract type: Temporary/Fixed term

Contract term: Full time

Applicants are encouraged to contact Dr Evgeny Kozik, [email protected], for an informal discussion. 

Complete job pack and application instructions can be found on this webpage.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials