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Postdoctoral position at KAIST, Korea (No replies)

Yong-Hoon Kim
7 years ago
Yong-Hoon Kim 7 years ago

Up to two postdoctoral positions are immediately available in the Yong-Hoon Kim group at the Graduate School of Energy, Environment, Water, and Sustainability, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, Korea. Scholars who specialize in first-principles and multi-scale simulations of materials are encouraged to apply by sending their CV including publication list and other relevant materials via email to 


Job Description:


The main objective is the development of first-principles computational methods to aid understanding the energy generation, transport, conversion, and storage processes in nanoscale interfaces and junctions, and the project will be performed in close collaboration with leading domestic and international experimentalists.


* Theme 1 - Developments: We aim to develop novel non-equilibrium first-principles simulation methods that combine quantum transport, optical excitations, and lattice vibration calculations fully within DFT. The base codes will be SIESTA and our in-house grid-based OORI code. Long-term objectives also include their multi-scale extensions to various device simulators geared to the needs of world-leading Korean companies such as LG Display and the development of next-generation exchange-correlation functionals for accurate yet efficient descriptions of equilibrium and non-equilibrium electronic structures.


* Theme 2 - Applications: The above method developments will be made in the context of practical applications toward advanced electronic and energy devices based on various low-dimensional materials and their heterostructures. The current experiment-theory collaboration targets include but are not limited to 2D-based transistors, electro/photocatalysts, and light emitting diodes.


The initial appointment is one year and renewable upon mutual agreement. The initial salary will be determined based on the qualification of the candidate. After employment, qualified applicants will be also helped in applying for the prestigious KRF Fellowship (, Level 2).


Your qualification:


Qualified applicants should have

+ a Ph.D in physics, materials science, or a related discipline

+ significant (Theme 1) or some (Theme 2) experience in scientific programming (preferably Fortran and Python) in the UNIX/Linux environment

+ significant (Theme 2) or some (Theme 1) experience of performing electronic structure calculations

+ ability to work both independently and in a collaborative environment

+ strong communication skills evidenced by first-author publications in peer-reviewed journals and presentations at international meetings.



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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials