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Postdoctoral position at Caltech (No replies)

7 years ago
bmarco 7 years ago

A postdoctoral position is available immediately to work in the group of Prof. Marco Bernardi in the Applied Physics and Materials Science Department at Caltech (see Scholars with a PhD in Physics or related fields who specialize in first-principles calculations of materials are encouraged to apply by sending a CV and a brief research statement to [email protected]. Applications will be considered until mid-September.

Supported through Caltech’s Space Solar Project, the postdoctoral scholar will investigate the fundamental physics of carrier dynamics in two-dimensional and ultrathin materials. (S)he will develop new methods to study the dynamics of charge carriers, excitons and trions, and their coupling with phonons and defects, benefitting from new methods recently developed in the group to compute electron scattering, transport and ultrafast dynamics in complex materials.

The minimum requirements for this position are a working knowledge of density functional theory, and preferably at least one more ab initio method (e.g., GW-BSE, electron-phonon, NEGF, TD-DFT, DMFT, etc). Strong preference will be given to researchers who combine some of these skills:

1) Implement code for – and apply – new GW-BSE, electron-phonon, or electron dynamics calculations, especially in the context of the plane-wave pseudopotential method.
2) A track record of code development in Fortran and Python, including implementation of MPI and OpenMP parallelization.
3) Working knowledge of many-body physics and/or non-equilibrium Green’s functions.
4) Experience with spin-orbit coupling.

Caltech offers an exciting environment to carry out fundamental research and interact with experimental groups. Please contact Marco Bernardi directly to discuss further.


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials