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Postdoctoral Position at Arkansas State Universi ... (1 reply)

7 years ago
kbiswas 7 years ago

A short-term (8-12 months) postdoctoral position is available in the area of computational materials, working with Koushik Biswas at Arkansas State University. Further renewal is contingent upon funding availability. Consideration of candidates will begin immediately. Candidates are expected to have strong background in first-principles methods in order to perform predictive study and characterization of optoelectronic materials (semiconductors and insulators). Additional skills that allow implementing innovative methodologies in order to interpret or guide experimental efforts, will be highly desirable. Some exposure or interest in bulk or nanostructures, surfaces/interfaces, and defects will be advantageous. Ability to work independently and as a team, good communication skills (both verbal and written) is of course necessary. Successful candidate will be eligible for retirement and other benefits. Interested applicants should send PDF attachments of: (1) a cover letter addressing experience & accomplishments in light of the above requirements, and (2) detailed CV with names and contact information of three references. To apply follow the link below or search for Position# P00367 under A-State employment opportunities.

7 years ago
Jeffreydelile 7 years ago

It is not possible to apply through the university website for this post. There is a repeated error report called "data submission error" and after reference it is not possible proceed further.

I wonder only I got this error or it is affected to everyone who wish to apply via Arknasas state university website.



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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials