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Postdoctoral opportunity in quantum dynamics (No replies)
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The Bennett Lab in the Department of Chemistry at Southern Methodist University is seeking a motivated post-doctoral researcher. The lab studies emergent properties in mesoscale quantum dynamics. As a new research group, there are a number of exciting research directions and the postdoc will have the scope to engage in a variety of projects, including:
The post-doctoral researcher will have the opportunity to participate in open-source code development and to collaborate with an international team of scholars working at the forefront of quantum dynamics. The ideal applicant has experience in writing code for scientific applications. Familiarity with quantum dynamics methods (e.g. Redfield theory, quantum jumps, etc.) would be beneficial. Energetic candidates, excited to learn a broad array of new skills, are also encouraged to apply without regard to previous experience. The salary will be consistent with NIH 2019 guidelines.
Interested applicants are invited to submit their cover letter, CV, and one representative publication by completing this form.