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Postdoctoral openings at the Center for Material ... (No replies)

6 years ago
ctoher 6 years ago

The group of Prof. Curtarolo at the Center of Materials Genomics at Duke University, USA has several open postdoctoral positions available in computational materials design. The group is at the forefront of the development of automatic computational methods for the discovery of materials with technological applications. More information about our research can be found at and

Current openings are in i. high-throughput prediction of thermodynamic and transport properties in solids, ii. materials informatics, and iii. high-throughput electronic structure prediction of disordered materials.

Successful candidates should have
1) An excellent understanding of solid state physics, thermodynamics of materials, crystallography/group-theory, and inorganic chemistry.
2) Solid communication skills, both verbal and written.
3) Strong programming skills in C++, python, and/or Fortran, good knowledge of Unix systems (gcc, g++, etc.), and experience using materials data repositories such as AFLOW.
4) Proven experience in VASP, Quantum Espresso, FHI-AIMS, or other ab-initio code.
5) A doctorate degree in Physics (Materials), Materials Science, Chemistry or related disciplines. Graduate Students near completion of their Ph.D. are welcome and invited to apply.

Potential candidates should send one PDF file named “Lastname_Firstname_DUKE_Genomics_201905.pdf” containing: cover-letter, curriculum vitae and the names/emails/phone of three references to [email protected] by email with subject “DUKE_Genomics_201905: Lastname Firstname”. Only PDF material will be considered.

The location of the position is Durham, NC USA. Occasional travel to Europe is required. Starting date can be negotiated. The search will continue until the positions are filled.


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials