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Postdoctoral opening on Optical Properties of Co ... (No replies)

7 years ago
PDarancet 7 years ago
A postdoctoral position on the first-principles simulation of the optoelectronic properties of colloidal nanomaterials is available immediately at the Northwestern's Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (NU-MRSEC). The position is joint between Northwestern University and Argonne National Laboratory's Theory and Modeling Group at the Center for Nanoscale Materials (near Chicago, USA). 
The postdoctoral researcher will work on developing a microscopic, quantum mechanical picture of electronic bandoffsets, optical absorption, and charge and energy transport at interfaces between colloidal semiconductors and 2D materials. Methods will include density functional theory, many-body perturbation theory (GW approximation & Bethe Salpeter equation), and, possibly, time-dependent density functional theory and non-equilibrium Green's functions. 
Applicants should have considerable knowledge of the following:

  • First principles modeling of materials
  • Large-scale computer simulations
Good skills in modeling surfaces and interfaces, computing electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions, and developing scientific software are advantageous. 
This work is part of a large, collaborative, and multidisciplinary research initiative focused on understanding the optical and electrical response of mixed-dimensional materials, and will be conducted in close collaboration with experimentalists in the NU-MRSEC (Profs. Emily WeissLincoln LauhonMark HersamNathaniel SternOluwaseyi Balogun, and Tobin Marks). The principal investigators for the theoretical component are Pierre Darancet and  Prof. Tamar Seideman.
Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written, are required. Good collaborative skills, including the ability to work well with other disciplines, labs, and universities are beneficial. A PhD in physics, chemistry, materials science, electrical engineering, or a related field is required. 

Interested candidates should direct questions or apply by emailing the following information to Pierre Darancet at [email protected] :

1) A detailed curriculum vitae including a list of publications and the names and email addresses of three professional references.
2) One representative publication that best showcases your work 
3) A cover letter answering the following questions: 

  • What materials modeling technique(s) do you have expertise in?
  • What is your experience with software development (if any)?
  • What is your experience with collaborative projects with experimental groups?
  • What is your expected start date and US work eligibility status (if known)?
Northwestern University is an equal opportunity employer, and we value diversity in our workforce.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials