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Postdoctoral opening (Marie Curie COFUND) in Bar ... (No replies)

8 years ago
mstengel 8 years ago

There is currently an opening for a postdoctoral position, under the supervision of Dr. Massimiliano Stengel, in the Theory and Simulation group at ICMAB-CSIC ( in Barcelona. The position is funded by the European Marie Curie COFUND program, and has an expected duration of three years.

The successful candidate is expected to focus on the first-principles simulation of emerging functionalities in perovskite-based systems, with special attention to the impact of strain gradients (flexoelectricity), surfaces/interfaces and ferroic domain walls. A detailed description of the research topic can be found here (project MS04):

We seek a candidate with a PhD in Physics, Chemistry or related disciplines, and a strong background in theoretical materials modeling techniques. Solid expertise with first-principles density-functional theory simulations is essential; familiarity with ferroic oxides is also desirable.

Salary and economic conditions are aligned with standard European Marie Curie actions (gross salary of the order of 36,000 EUR / 50,000 USD). Deadline for application (to be submitted via the Participant Portal on the official website of the European
Commission) is December 6th 2016.

For further details please contact Massimiliano Stengel ([email protected])

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials