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Postdoctoral Fellowships at the University of To ... (No replies)

7 years ago
fergard26 7 years ago

Postdoctoral Fellowships at the University of Toronto:

Perovskite materials for solar cell and light emission applications


Our group unites chemistry, physics, and engineering within eight experimental laboratories at the University of Toronto. Our mission is to advance the physics and chemistry of optoelectronic materials and devices, and to apply this knowledge to address key challenges in sustainable energy. Our group culture fosters win-win teamwork; communication that clarifies and finds connections and new scientific avenues; and that strives for excellence.


We are recruiting postdoctoral fellows in perovskite materials development and optoelectronic applications including light-emitting diodes, lasers, color-converters, and solar cells.


Candidates with demonstrated expertise in experimental research (such as materials synthesis, characterization and fabrication of perovskite, silicon, organic and other semiconductor-based devices) and theory (such as density functional theory and computational materials science more broadly) are encouraged to apply. The research is aimed at building functional devices that appreciably exceed existing performance records, such as in combined {efficiency and operating device lifetime}. The principal goal will be first-authored publications in high-impact journals; accompanied with an expectation that the candidate will devote a fraction of time to mentoring graduate students in the group and developing new research directions.


Applications should be sent by May 15, 2018, to Prof. Ted Sargent ([email protected]) at the University of Toronto. Please list 3 referees who have confirmed that they are willing to supply letters of reference upon request.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials