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Postdoctoral fellowship in computational point d ... (No replies)

Igor Abrikosov
6 years ago
Igor Abrikosov 6 years ago

We invite highly motivated candidates for a postdoctoral fellowship within the project of “Wide-bandgap semiconductors for the next generation of quantum devices” funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. The purpose of the project is to explore point defect qubits and single photon emitters in wide band gap semiconductors. The task for the postdoc consists of carrying out state of the art first principles calculations on selected color centers in wide band gap semiconductor for implementing new quantum technology applications. Target point defects for in depth computational studies are selected by a team of experts with advices from the applicant. The postdoc should extensively collaborate with experimentalist by supporting the characterization of point defects with ab initio calculations as well as with other computational scientists who provide candidate point defect for characterization and implementation.

The position requires a doctorate in physics or materials science. Candidates need to have proven first-hand experience in the relevant research areas through publications in first class journals. Applicants need to demonstrate experience in first principles electronic structure calculation of point defects in semiconductors. Practice in hybrid density functional theory calculation and/or GW many-body perturbation theory calculation by using standard ab initio simulation packages, for instance VASP, Quantum Espresso, Abinit, etc., are required. Not required but advantageous skills are experiences in hyperfine, spin-orbit, zero-field splitting, zero-phonon line, and emission spectra calculation, knowledge in group theory, and knowledge in physics of point defect qubits and single photon emitters. Great emphasis will be placed on personal qualities and suitability, such as the ability to work in team, collaborate with PhD students, accuracy, flexibility and scientific productivity. The applicant should be inventive and have an independent attitude.

Contact person:
Igor A. Abrikosov

Professor, Theoretical Physics,

Linköping University

e-mail:  [email protected]

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials