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Postdoctoral Fellow – Theoretical Condensed Ma ... (No replies)
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Physics Department in Khalifa University has an opening for a full-time, thirty months position as a Postdoctoral Fellow that will start on or after October 1, 2019 to work with the group of Dr. Sufian Abedrabbo. We are seeking a theoretically and computationally adept Condensed Matter Physicist to work on bandgap calculations of silicon interfaced with amorphous coatings.
Successful candidate will have a strong record of scientific achievement and deep understanding of working with Density Functional Theory / Ab initio and familiarity with Monte Carlo simulations and the ability to utilize this expertise in probing the effect of random stress fields at the interface on modulations of the bandgap of coated silicon.
To apply for this position, please send an email to: Dr. Sufian Abedrabbo ([email protected]) current C.V., a brief statement of research experience and interests, and names of three references.
Salary: 70,000 USD.
Contact: Sufian Abedrabbo: [email protected] // Tel: +971508358690