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Postdoctoral-fellow position in code development ... (No replies)

7 years ago
nenglish 7 years ago

A position will become available around January 2018 at UCD in code development and applications in the electronic-structure area in crystal-structure energetics. Applicants with strong skills in Fortran, MPI, Open-MP and Python/Perl are requested to apply, with an equally string record in PBC-based, crystal-state DFT and, ideally, local-MP2 calculations. Those experienced in free-energy methods applied to polymorphs of molecular crystals will be given special attention, as well as having especially experience in CRYSTAL and CRYSCOR. Experience in VASP, CP2K and SIESTA is also valued, as well as in AI-MD and tight-binding methods. Knowledge of massively-parallel HPC, Unix system administration and compiling/numerical-library nous is important, coupled with a good working knowledge of classical and path-integral MD with empirical and polarisable potentials.

The position is for 1 year, with possibility for extension thereafter upon mutual agreement.

Applications should be made to Prof. Niall English (Chem Eng, UCD) before/by 10th November, via e-mail at: [email protected]

Please include a very detailed CV, names and contact details of at least three referees, and a very detailed application letter where you address each and every one of the above-mentioned desiderata – how you fit in and what you can do, and have done. Another mandatory feature is an in-depth summary of HPC skills and Fortran-programming projects and accomplishments, together with demonstrable code-parallelisation and optimisation activities. Selected codes authored as exemplars of coding prowess may well be requested if your application is to be taken further.

If such comprehensive documents are not furnished, or if it is clear that the applicant is essentially a code ‘user’ (especially of less relevant software) with little coding skills, then it is regretted that the application e-mail cannot, in all likelihood, be replied to, given the need to focus on more relevant applicants. Should this arise, please understand that no offence is intended.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials