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Postdoctoral Fellow in Theoretical Modeling of E ... (No replies)
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The Department of Physics at Stockholm University has an immediate opening for a postdoctoral position for which we invite applications from outstanding individuals. The specific project aims to conduct theoretical studies, development and modeling to support and guide the experimental effort in the area of electrocatalysis with focus on hydrogen evolution from glycerol and sugar acids. The theoretical modeling will be based on computational screening of electrode materials using state-of-the-art scaling relations and electronic structure calculations. An essential part of the work will be related to determining branching ratios and thus the selectivity of the proposed materials. Collaborative visits to the SUNCAT theory group at Stanford are envisioned.
The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research has awarded major funding for a combined experimental and theoretical effort to develop materials for efficient conversion of higher alcohols from biofuel production and waste products from the wood industry into hydrogen gas and value-added chemicals. The goal is to produce hydrogen from renewable high-yield sources to use as energy carrier and thus contribute to abate climate change and promote a sustainable energy future. The project brings together expertise in applied electrochemistry, wood chemistry, synthesis and characterization, in combination with expertise in theoretical modeling and prediction in the group of Prof. Lars G.M. Pettersson. The theory group of Prof. Pettersson works within the XSoLaS combined experimental and theory group in the Chemical Physics Division at the Department of Physics within Stockholm University (