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postdoctoral fellow in orbital-free DFT (method ... (No replies)

8 years ago
sergeimanzhos 8 years ago

I am looking to hire a postdoctoral fellow to work on the construction of kinetic energy functionals for (orbital free) density functional theory. 

The duration of the contract will be up to 2 years on this project. Starting date should be within April-May 2017. 
Hard requirements:
 - a PhD (degree awarded or degree requirements met) in a related discipline (e.g. chemistry, physics, applied mathematics)
 - knowledge of and experience with the density functional theory method and software.
End-user experience (applied calculations) with DFT codes is NOT sufficient and candidates having only such experience will not be considered.
 - ability to code 
 - strong math background 
 - fluent spoken and written English and evidence of ability and track record in scientific/technical writing with good grammar and style. 
Desired qualifications:
 - knowledge of and experience with multivariate regression techniques  
 - knowledge of and experience with neural networks specifically and machine learning techniques in general 
 - experience with large data sets
Interested candidates please contact Dr Sergei Manzhos directly at [email protected] 
Information about my group can be found at . We work on projects ranging from applied DFT modeling of materials for batteries and solar cells to method development for quantum dynamics. There are numerous avenues for applications of any outcome of this method development project. 
National University of Singapore has been consistently ranked as no. 1 Asian university in recent years and offers a stimulating and open environment for research. Singapore has been consistently ranked among the world's best in quality of life. 

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials