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Postdoctoral Fellow in Materials Informatics (No replies)
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Nordita, the Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics, invites applications for a postdoctoral position in materials informatics with interest in data science.
The research will be related to study of magnetism, superconductivity, Dirac materials, prediction of novel functional materials using computational and data-driven approaches as well as providing developed software tools to the research community. Strong candidates in the areas of computational physics or theoretical condensed matter physics with interest in data science and machine learning will be considered. Experience with density functional theory calculations is beneficial.
The position requires conducting a strong research program, and interacting with colleagues and visitors at Nordita and elsewhere in the Nordic countries. The salary follows the stipend rules at Nordita.
The appointment is for two years, starting in May 2017, or some other date to be agreed upon.
The deadline for applications is 31 March, 2017
Only online applications will be considered. The application procedure is posted on