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Postdoctoral Fellow – Computational Materials ... (No replies)
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The University of Illinois at Chicago and West Virginia University seek to hire a Postdoctoral Research Associate– Computational Condensed Matter Physics. This position supports the SI2-SSE-NSF project titled “Software framework for strongly correlated materials: from DFT to DMFT” by Hyowon Park (University of Illinois at Chicago) and Aldo Romero (West Virginia University), both PIs. The post-doctoral researcher will be involved in ab initio and many body theory calculations and implementation of different algorithms used to characterize strongly correlated materials.
A PhD in physics, chemistry, materials science, or engineering; and experience in density functional theory and many body theory are required. Experience in the use of diverse crystal modelling techniques is preferred, in particular with the use of ab initio codes such as Abinit, VASP, Siesta, Quantum Espresso and/or ELK. Publications in the field by using these codes and with materials related to the proposal will be considered a plus. A good programming experience is necessary, in particular with Python and Fortran. The incumbent will also provide support to the group members and visitors to different levels.
Applicants should submit a CV, a statement of research interest and the names and email addresses of three references in the following link by December 15, 2017.
The start date can be determined in mutual agreement.