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Postdoctoral associates and staff positions at t ... (No replies)

7 years ago
sangkookchoi 7 years ago

The center for the design of functional materials and theoretical spectroscopy (CDMFTS) is a multi-institutional effort  ( involving Brookhaven National Laboratories, Rutgers University, University of Virginia, University of Tennessee and Ames Laboratories)  to develop and disseminate methodologies (theory, algorithms, and codes) to accurately describe the physical properties of complex strongly correlated materials. We are aiming to accelerate scientific progress in materials research by enabling theoretical spectroscopy and theoretically guided material design to correlated electron systems.


We are looking for candidates for postdoctoral associates and staff positions. Of particular interest are scientists with experience in one of these areas: software engineering,  large-scale electronic structure code development ( at any level such as density functional theory,  ab initio GW,  dynamical mean-field theory,  Gutzwiller, etc), algorithmic development for strongly correlated electrons, and strongly correlated electron materials. Applications from excellent candidates with other approaches to the strongly correlated electronic systems are welcome. Familiarity with electronic structure method developments is also a plus. The overarching theme of the research program is to develop the open-source software, to apply it to strongly correlated electronic system, and to validate the theory in concert with experimentalists in the center.  


Command of written and spoken English is a must and a Ph.D. in the related fields is required. Applications consisting of a cover letter, curriculum vitae with publication list, a brief (1-2 page) description of research interests and accomplishments, and three letters of recommendation should be sent by using ACADEMIC JOB ONLINE website ( Please indicate in your cover letter when you would be available to begin employment. Review of applications will commence immediately and continue until the position is filled.  Minorities are encouraged to apply. Salary commensurate with experience.


For further information, see the center website ( Applicants are encouraged to contact Dr. Sangkook Choi ([email protected])and Prof. Gabriel Kotliar([email protected]) for further information. 

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials