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Job announcements relevant to people interested in electronic structure calculations…

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Postdoctoral associate in theory of novel superc ... (No replies)

[email protected]
7 years ago
[email protected] 7 years ago
Postdoctoral Research Position
Theory of novel superconductors
U. Florida -- Gainesville
A postdoctoral research fellowship in the Hirschfeld group in the theory of novel superconductors is 
available beginning spring or summer 2018. Some experience with electronic structure theory, as
well as many-body theory, specifically superconductivity, is desirable. For full consideration, candidates
should email a c.v., brief statement of research interests and three letters of reference before
December 31, 2017 to
 [email protected], (Ms. Marcia Colson, Condensed Matter Theory, U. Florida Physics).

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials