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Postdoctoral and PhD student positions at the Ce ... (No replies)

8 years ago
ctoher 8 years ago

The group of Professor Stefano Curtarolo at Duke University Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and at the Duke Center for Materials Genomics have open postdoctoral and graduate student positions available in ab initio electronic structure methods, materials informatics, and computational materials design. The Curtarolo group is at the forefront of the development of automatic electronic structure computational methods (AFLOW) for applications in the development of materials with technological applications. More information about our research group can be found at and

The successful candidates must have 1) solid expertise in the thermodynamics of materials, 2) electronic solid-state theory, 3) crystal structure and symmetry, 4) transport processes (mechanical and electronic), 5) proven experience in VASP and/or Quantum Espresso, C++, UNIX/Linux, 6) a PhD (for postdoctoral position applicants) or Bachelor's degree (for graduate student position applicants) in materials science, physics, chemistry, statistics, mathematics, or related fields. Potential candidates should send their curriculum vitae and the names of three references to [email protected] (only PDF material will be considered).



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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials