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Postdoctoral and PhD positions in Quantum Spectr ... (No replies)

8 years ago
cbengur 8 years ago


>> Applications are invited for postdoctoral and PhD positions link to a five-year project on the topic of Quantum Spectroscopy: exploring new states of matter out of equilibrium as part of an European Research Council Advanced grant (QSpec-NewMat ERC project). The project will be conducted between the Theory Department of the Max Plank Institute for Structure and Dynamics of Matter in Hamburg and the NanoBio Spectroscopy Group and ETSF Scientific Development Centre in Spain. The aim of the research project is to build up the basic theoretical and computational machinery to allow quantum computations of the electronic and ionic dynamics of atomic, molecular or extended systems coupled to quantized electromagnetic fields and thereby set the stage for a new era in the first-principle computational modeling of light-matter interactions. To achieve this goal, we will combine the principles of time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) and quantum electrodynamics (QED) into a new quantum electrodynamical-DFT approach named as “QEDFT”.


>> We are looking for highly qualified candidates from Physics, Chemistry, and Materials Science both at student and postdoctoral level. Ph.D. students must hold a Masters Degree (diploma) requiring the completion of a master thesis or equivalent. Post-docs must hold a Ph.D. degree and are offered a position for 1 up to 3 years, dependent on qualification. A strong background in theoretical and computational chemistry, photochemistry or chemical physics is desirable. Previous experience using quantum mechanical methods and atomistic simulations and proficiency in scientific programming are essential.

>> The successful candidate will work on one (or more) of the following general topics linked to the QSpec-NewMat ERC project:

>> * QEDFT and open-quantum systems,

>> * QED and optimal control theory

>> * Fundamentals of TDDFT and many-body

>> * Time-resolved photoelectron/coherent spectroscopy

>> * Light induced topological phases in matter

>>Applications and further information inquiries should be addressed to Prof. Dr. Angel Rubio at ([email protected])

>> Applications should include a letter of motivation, a curriculum vitae, a list of publications, a summary of past accomplishments, and the full contact details of 2 referees (or letters of recommendation).

>> Information about the group activities can be obtained at: and

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials