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Postdoctoral and PhD positions in computational ... (No replies)
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One postdoctoral and one PhD position in computational discovery and design of new materials are open in Professors Geoffroy Hautier and Gian-Marco Rignanese’s groups at Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain) in Belgium.
The starting date for both positions would be ideally before July 2018.
Applicants for the postdoctoral position must have a PhD degree in materials science, chemistry or physics (or equivalent). Previous experience in ab initio computing and density functional theory (DFT) is required. The postdoctoral position will focus on the ab initio study of battery materials and electrocatalysts for water splitting. Experience in these fields will be seen highly positively.
Applicants for the PhD position must have a degree (Master or equivalent) in materials science, chemistry or physics (or equivalent). The PhD position will focus on photovoltaics or battery materials. Experience in density functional theory (DFT) computations and in coding (especially in python) is an advantage.
Our groups ( and offer an outstanding scientific environment with worldwide collaborations in the heart of Europe. We are co-PIs of the Materials Project (
Applicants should send their application (motivation letter, CV, contact info for 3 references) by e-mail to Geoffroy Hautier ([email protected]). Please use as e-mail subject: “postdoctoral application UCL 2018” and “PhD application UCL 2018” respectively for the postdoctoral and PhD application.