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Postdoctoral and Ph.D. Positions in Excited-Stat ... (No replies)

6 years ago
dyqiu 6 years ago

Multiple Ph.D. and Postdoctoral positions in the areas of theoretical and computational materials science and condensed matter physics are available in the group of Prof. Diana Qiu at the Energy Sciences Institute at Yale University starting January 2020 or later. The group is interested in developing and applying ab initio methods to study light-matter interactions and excited-state phenomena in energy materials, particularly in low-dimensional and nanostructured materials. More information about specific research directions can be found on the group webpage.

Postdoctoral candidates should have experience with DFT and other electronic structure methods and have obtained a Ph.D. in Physics, Materials Science or a related field by the anticipated start date. Candidates with experience with GW and BSE calculations, development of high performance ab initio codes, non-equilibrium Green’s function methods, and other methods for excited-state dynamics are especially encouraged to apply. Interested candidates should email a CV, 1 page statement of research interests, and the names and contact info for 3 references to diana.qiu (at) Review of applications will continue until positions are filled.

Interested Ph.D. students should have a strong background in physics and be highly-motivated and interested in computational or theoretical condensed matter and materials science. The application should be submitted at, but please also send me an email and a copy of your CV to diana.qiu (at) so that I don’t miss your application.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials