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Postdoctoral and Associate Research Scientist po ... (No replies)
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Postdoctoral and Associate Research Scientist positions at the new Center for Computational Quantum Physics, Simons Foundation (New York).
The Simons Foundation has announced the creation of the Center for Computational Quantum Physics (CCQ) in its Flatiron Institute, to open in September 2017 in New York City. Directed by Antoine Georges and co-Directed by Andrew Millis, the CCQ aims to become a leading international center for the study of quantum physics and its applications to condensed matter physics, materials science, chemistry and related fields.
The development of the concepts, algorithms, and code libraries needed to advance the field will be fundamental to the work of the Center. Over time, the CCQ is expected to grow to about 50 staff members, comprising scientists at various career stages from recent Ph.D.s through senior scientists, software engineers and support staff. The Institute will have a vigorous visitor program and will interact strongly with scientists from neighboring institutions.
CCQ is part of a major, new scientific unit of the Simons Foundation, The Flatiron Institute, focused on the computational aspects of a wide range of basic sciences. The Flatiron Institute presently comprises the Center for Computational Astrophysics (CCA), the Center for Computational Biology and the Center for Computational Quantum Physics (CCQ) as well as a common Scientific Computing Core.
CCQ is actively seeking outstanding candidates for the positions of Flatiron Research Fellow (postdoc) and Associate Research Scientist (1-6 years post-Ph.D. research experience). For more detailed job descriptions and to apply, please consult:
1) Postdoctoral Research Fellows
2) Associate Research Scientists (with 1-6 years of experience after PhD)