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Postdoctoral and 2 PhD positions, Charles Univer ... (No replies)
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One postdoctoral and two four-year PhD positions are available at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University in Prague in the group of Jiri Klimes. The positions are funded by the Charles University's Primus grant scheme.
Project description
The aim of the project is to develop methods that will reliably describe molecular adsorption in extended systems. The properties of interest will be adsorption and reaction energies, and experimentally available vibrational or NMR spectra. The project will primarily use and extend the recent implementations of quantum chemical methods with reduced scaling in the VASP code. For our recent work relevant to the project, see:
*) Kaltak, Klimes, Kresse, Phys. Rev. B 90, 054115 (2014)
*) Klimes, Kaltak, Maggio, Kresse: JCP 143, 102816 (2015)
*) Klimes: JCP 145, 094506 (2016)
More information about the project can be found at
and informal enquiries should be send to [email protected] .
The postdoc will work on the development and application of the theoretical and computational techniques to obtain reliable properties of molecules adsorbed in extended systems. The earliest start date is 1. May. The contract will be initially made for one year with possible extension until April 2019. The gross salary will be between 35,000 and 40,000 CZK per month, depending on experience.
A Ph.D. in quantum chemistry, condensed matter, surface science, materials science, or related discipline is required. Previous experience with ab initio calculations is essential. Experience with both solid state programmes and quantum chemistry codes is a big plus. Good programming skills (C, Fortran, ...) and familiarity with the UNIX/Linux environment are highly desirable, the group has access to the national HPC resource Salomon, which is a 2 PFlop cluster. Strong theoretical
background in wavefunction theory or Green's function methods is also a big plus. Good knowledge of English, both written and oral, is compulsory.
To apply, send your CV, cover letter, list of publications, and contacts of two references at [email protected] .
The two PhDs will focus on different aspects of the theoretical description of adsorption processes. For example, on developing new strategies for obtaining accurate data for large systems or on understanding the accuracy limits of various modelling methods.
The total tax-free stipend starts at 20,000 CZK/month in the first year and increases during the studies. All conferences and travel costs are also covered by the grant.
The successful candidates should have, or expect to obtain, a degree in Physics, Chemistry, or closely related discipline and have a strong academic record. To apply, please send your CV, a short motivation letter, your study transcript, and contacts of two references to the e-mail address listed above. The starting date for the PhD positions is at the beginning of October 2017. Note that the deadline for submitting the formal application to the PhD programme is 30. April and that there is a requirement of good written and oral English language skills as well as entrance examination in June. Successful candidates will be selected before 7. April.
Details of the admission procedure for PhD studies are at