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Postdoctor in computational chemistry, Linköpin ... (No replies)
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This position concerns research with focus on computational chemistry studies of chemical vapor deposition. As the first component of the investigations, modelling using molecular and periodic quantum-chemical computations will be performed. The second component concerns development of computer codes for simulations of thermodynamic equilibria and applications thereof. The third component involves development of methods and applications of chemical kinetic simulations for surface reactions. Also Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation studies may be performed. The research topic is studies of CVD at low temperatures for group III nitrides and of similar chemical processes for other inorganic semiconductor or insulator materials, involving precursor design, phase diagram computations and kinetic simulations. The employee is expected to do science and develop the research area, and to participate in the supervision of PhD and undergraduate students. Some teaching may be part of the position. An important part of the work is the dissemination of the research by publication in internationally renowned journals and by presentations at scientific conferences. The research will be performed in cooperation with colleagues within the experimental as well as the theoretical research areas.
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