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Postdoct position in Engineering the Immune Syst ... (No replies)

2 years ago
scapponi2021 2 years ago

The Cellular Engineering laboratory at IBM Almaden Research Center is looking for a postdoctoral research scientist. The position will be opened in early 2022 and the candidate will be hired during the first quarter. The candidate is expected to combine molecular dynamics simulations and machine learning algorithms to investigate protein-protein or protein-membrane interactions aiming at engineering proteins and cells with special purpose.

The Cellular Engineering laboratory integrates multidisciplinary methods to understand the basic principles underlying cell functions in order to modify and build cells with designed activity. For this purpose, we have access to several IBM supercomputers, which are among the fastest in the world. The laboratory is part of the NSF Center for Cellular Construction in partnership with UC San Francisco, UC Berkeley, Stanford University, SF State University, and the SF Exploratorium. The overall goal of the Center is to develop an engineering discipline to design cells. The candidate will work in close collaboration with well-known researchers and scientists to engineer cells.

The ideal candidate should have strong background in biophysics and biochemistry and an excellent knowledge of python programming. Relevant areas of expertise might include direct application of machine learning methods to biological systems or of molecular dynamics to protein interactions, investigation of protein-protein complexes and protein-membrane interactions.

Interested candidates should contact Sara Capponi, PhD, ([email protected]) with a brief statement of research interest/cover letter, a CV, and contact information of 2-3 references. Students in their final year of Ph.D. training are encouraged to apply.



  • Proven experience with python programming.

  • Experience in molecular dynamics and computational modeling methods.

  • Experience in chemistry, physics, engineering, computer science, computational biology, or related fields.

  • Experience in machine learning, NLP, deep learning packages.

  • PhD in Chemistry, Physics, Computational Biochemistry or Biophysics, Bioengineering, Cell Biology or related field.

  • Strong communication and writing skills.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials