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Postdoct in San Sebastian to develop and apply t ... (No replies)

7 years ago
sanchezportal 7 years ago

We are seeking to fill a two years postdoctoral position at the Centro de Física de Materiales ( under the supervision of Prof. Daniel Sánchez-Portal ( We are seeking candidates to fill the position as soon as possible.

The work will focus on the optimization and development of several features of the SIESTA method and code ( Ehrenfest dynamics (real-time TDDFT) option of SIESTA (in collaboration with the group of Prof. E. Artacho at nanoGUNE) and the implementation of meta-GGA and hybrid functionals within SIESTA (in collaboration with the group of Prof. J. Junquera in Cantabria University). All the work will be coordinated with the Simune company (

The selected candidate will also have the opportunity to apply the developed methods to several applications in collaboration with other researchers in Sanchez-Portal's group. In particular, we have currently several ongoing collaborations with experimental groups to study the growth and the electronic properties of graphene nanoribbons and other molecular covalent networks, as well as for the study of the interaction of organic molecules with metal and semiconducting substrates. There is also an ongoing effort to study nanoplasmonics from a theoretical point of view using different tools created to work in conjunction with SIESTA.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials