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Job announcements relevant to people interested in electronic structure calculations…

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Postdocs in computational materials physics, inc ... (No replies)

1 year ago
annadel 1 year ago

We are hiring up to three outstanding and highly motivated postdoctoral candidates to join the research
group on computational materials physics lead by me, Professor Anna Delin (
annadel ), KTH, Stockholm, Sweden. Our research is based on advanced first-principles electronic
structure calculations, combined with atomistic spin Hamiltonians and/or phenomenological models to
study fundamental magnetic and topological phenomena from a computational/theoretical perspective.
Current research interests in the group include spin dynamics, flexomagnetism, emergence of topological
magnetic textures, topological magnons, 2D magnetic materials, and femtosecond physics. The research
is funded through highly competitive grants from KAW ( ) and the Swedish
Research Council. Code and method development is an important part of our activities, and we foresee
that one postdoc will primarily focus on bringing a selection of our in-house developed electronic
structure and atomistic spin dynamics codes to current high-performance computer architectures, such as
the GPU-based LUMI supercomputer ( ), which is the fastest
supercomputer in Europe and third fastest globally. Furthermore, we also wish to develop new scientific
visualization and analysis approaches for the complex magnetic phenomena we investigate, using the
Inviwo software, as part our vision to develop a ”materials digital twin”. We foresee that this will be the
main focus for one postdoc. Finally, we are also highly interested in hiring experts on time-dependent
DFT. For all positions, the exact work tasks will depend on the applicant’s expertise and personal profile.
The work will be conducted in close collaboration with experimental and computational research groups,
including experts in scientific visualization, in Uppsala, Örebro, and Norrköping. The physical
phenomena we study are of relevance for future information technology such as for example ultra-lowpower
spintronics and devices for neuromorphic computing.

Looking forward to your application!

Applications welcome until January 23, 2023.

Link to official web advertisement with instructions on how to apply:

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials