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Postdoc/PhD in Quantum Transport and Device Simu ... (No replies)

7 years ago
thomfrauen1950 7 years ago

At the Computational Materials Science Group (Prof. Dr. T. Frauenheim), Bremen Center for Computational Materials Science (BCCMS), Department of Physics, University of Bremen the position of a

Research Fellow / PhD Position / Postdoc Position

is open to work in the field of first principle quantum transport theory and nanoscale device modeling (Subject to personal qualification employees are remunerated according to the salary group E 13 TV-L). The position will start at the earliest possible date and is limited for 3 years. The period of employment is governed by the Fixed Term Research Contracts Act (WissZeitVG).

The scientific activities of the Chair of Computational Materials Science and BCCMS are focused on developing of non-conventional strategies for modeling of novel materials and nanoscale devices based on the first principle atomistic approach and quantum transport theory.

Tasks: atomistic modeling of nanoscale devices with the aim of a quantitative prediction of currentvoltage characteristics by including the details of realistic geometry and the electron-phonon interaction. Development of computational quantum transport methods with dephasing and dissipation and implementation in the DFTB+ code. Participation in the acquisition of third party grants.

Requirements: excellent university degree and if possible doctorate in physics or quantum chemistry. The knowledge of quantum mechanics is required. The experience in scientific programming (preferably with Fortran and Python) in Linux environment is expected.

We target at a top-notch dedicated and proactive young scientist with excellent communication and writing skills in English who plans to make her/his mark in science. Please visit for more information on our activities. Applications from women are particularly welcome. The same applies to people with disabilities. Applicants should send their complete application documents, including a letter of motivation, Curriculum Vitae, the complete publication record by email until 15.06.2017 as a single pdf file to Thomas Frauenheim [email protected].


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials