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Postdoc - Theory of Unconventional Superconducti ... (No replies)

2 years ago
markvs 2 years ago

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colorado, invites applications for a postdoc position whose aim is to use advanced ab initio Green's function theories to study unconventional superconductivity. Particularly encouraged are people with a background in strongly correlated materials, especially unconventional superconductivity, and/or people with a background in Green's function diagrammatic methods (many-body perturbation theory or dynamical mean field theory).

This project is led by Mark van Schilfgaarde, who has a joint position at NRELand at King's College London. The primary aim is to develop a comprehensive framework able to describe unconventional superconductivity from first principles, within the Questaal electronic structure package ( Questaal uses an advanced Green's function based electronic structure method with a self-consistent low-order diagrammatic theory at its core, called the Quasiparticle Self-Consistent GW approximation, with many extensions, such as Dynamical Mean Field theory, as described in this methods paper.

This project will build on recent new developments to significantly advance our ability to understand and predict properties of unconventional from first principles. It will build on preliminary work described, for example in this paper on FeSe, this paper and this paper on Sr2RuO4, this paper on some Fe pnictide superconductors, and this paper on La2CuO4.

The project has three focus areas: first to study selected Hund's metals, overdoped Mott and nearly ferromagnetic superconductors with a focus on questions where materials-specific information is important, such as the role of disorder. On the methods side, we will advance the existing theory in several ways to make it feasible to answer these questions ab initio.

To discuss the position or your personal situation, email Mark van Schilfgaarde.   To apply for the position, go through the NREL careers portal, at

This position is part of a new core program in Theoretical Physics program in the U.S. Department of Energy, Basic Energy Sciences.


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials