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Postdoc Solid State Theory (Vienna) (No replies)

7 months ago
kheld 7 months ago
There is an opening for a postdoc position in the group of Karsten Held at TU Wien for up to 6 years. The aim of the position is the qualification for a scientific carrier through research and teaching, as successfully pursued by the predecessors. Possible topics include dynamical mean-field theory, density functional theory, dynamical vertex approximation, nickelates, superconductivity, pseudogaps, and entanglement measures for quantum critical points. In-depth knowledge of strongly correlated electron systems is required.
We offer a vivid and cooperative research environment. Vienna is also very attractive as regards nature and culture. According to some rankings it has the highest quality of living:

For further details and how to apply, see
For the group's homepage, see

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials