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Postdoc/Scientist Positions for Excited-State an ... (No replies)

8 months ago
yuanping 8 months ago


The Ping Group at the University of Wisconsin - Madison (UW-Madison) invites applications for Postdoctoral Scholar or Scientist openings starting from Jan 1st, 2024 (or earlier). Under the direction of Prof. Yuan Ping, the applicant will develop theory and computational methods based on first-principles many-body theory for excited-state properties and recently developed ab-initio open quantum dynamics methods in her group for spin dynamics, nonlinear optics, and quantum transport properties, and apply them to a wide range of materials such as quantum defects, 2D materials, topological and magnetic materials, and halide perovskites.

Senior position such as project scientist is available based on relevant experiences; student mentoring and grant writing responsibilities are expected.

Applicants with background of condensed matter theory, materials theory, or theoretical chemistry, and significant experience in any of the following areas are strongly encouraged to apply:

developing first-principles methods for excited states and correlated electrons in solids such as Green’s function methods (GW/BSE, DMFT), real-time TDDFT, electron-phonon coupling, spin dynamics, quantum transport, and having experiences in massively-parallel numerical implementations for advanced electronic structure methods.


Ping group website:


APPLY by sending email to:  [email protected]   



Postdoctoral Scholar (and beyond).

Senior positions such as Scientist are up to relevant experiences.



  • Ph.D. (or equivalent foreign degree) in physics/applied physics, physical chemistry, materials science, or related field at the time of application.



The appointment is renewable up to three years or more.



As soon as possible after initial review of the applications.



  • Letter of application that briefly summarizes your qualifications and interest in the position (required).
  • Curriculum vitae (required) Including list of publications.


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials