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Postdoc research fellow position through NPDF at ... (No replies)

6 years ago
subi123 6 years ago

About the group

Our group focuses on forefront development and computational methods at the interface of physics, chemistry, and materials science ( The topic of our current research projects deals with the application of novel approaches in the field of ground and excited state properties of materials. Also, we develop various density functional methods to understand material properties. To understand the properties of the material, we use various freely and commercially available code such as NWChem, Quantum Espresso, deMon2k, WIEN2k, VASP, FHI-AIMS, QChem, Molpro, and ADF. Our various developed methods are interfaced with the aforementioned codes. Application of our developed methods in material science will allow unprecedented new insight in the field of material research. The project may be carried out in collaboration with other groups.


Candidate Requirements

We are looking for the motivated, creative, ambitious candidates who are willing to apply for the National Post Doctoral Fellowship (NPDF) position. Prior knowledge in those codes will be plus point but not desirable. Interested candidates are requested to contact with their Curriculum Vitae directly to Prof. Prasanjit Samal (email:[email protected]).


Interested applicants are encouraged to send their application documents (cover letter, CV, publication list, description of research experience and motivation, names of at least two academic references) as one pdf document per e-mail to Prof. Prasanjit Samal (email:[email protected]).

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials